Winfresh UK Ltd – Chilled Water Plant Upgrade

Winfresh UK Ltd - Chilled Water Plant Upgrade
MTX completed the upgrade and installation of a new chilled water plant at Winfresh UK Ltd (formerly Windward Bananas Ltd).

In recent years MTX has installed a number of additional facilities on this site including energy saving systems which have already resulted in savings of 100’s of thousands of pounds in electricity with payback periods of less than 12 months.

Winfresh approached MTX requesting an appraisal of their existing chiller plant and associated chilled water distribution system which resulted in proposals to replace 2 existing chillers and water circulation pumps.

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The 2 new chillers, manufactured by Airedale of Leeds, are energy efficient free cooling chillers which use ambient air for partial or full cooling in conjunction with the refrigeration compressors as required. A sequence controller maintains a constant supply water temperature to ensure that the free cooling function of the new and existing free cooling chiller is maximised whilst still meeting cooling demand from the process.

The existing secondary water system has also been upgraded to provide energy saving inverter driven pumps to supply chilled water as required to the process.

This installation has been a huge success proving that inefficient facilities can be re-developed to become energy efficient providing the site with a new lease of life without the need for large scale replacement.

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